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Arabic Grammar Books

August 23, 2007

************** THE LINKS ON THIS PAGE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN THE PDF FILES SECTION************************ In this post I am providing links for some very important books available on the Internet which relate directly to what we are studying in the class. I had known about this site for sometime,however Hafsa prompted me to look at the books more closely. So thanks to her 🙂 . These books are available at the al-Inaam Website. I have asked for their permission to put these PDF files on my web site and am waiting for the reply. Until then, here are the links:

I hope that these books will go a long way in increasing our knowledge of the Arabic Language. May Allah bless those who have translated these for us.

  1. You are welcome.

    • fathuminullah permalink

      thanks hafsa. it was pleasure to see such a site. i am very much interested in arabic grammar.this site is a great help

  2. Fozia Bora permalink


    I like this blog very much – thank you! I wondered if you might one day be able to write a little something on the comparative benefits of the various Arabic-English dictionaries we students can avail ourselves of.

    Barak Allah fik! Fozia

  3. Fozia,
    Thank you very much for visiting my blog and making use of it.
    As for the dictionaries, we do not use any 🙂 since Mufti Yusuf discourages the use of one at the early stages of learning. From whatever I have gathered from other students in the class it seems that Hans – Wehr is a good choice for contemporary Arabic usage. I have not used it personally so I cannot comment on the veracity of this information. Personally, I have an electronic copy of Lane’s Lexicon; however, this is for the use of advanced learners.
    I have recently acquired a copy of Mufridat-ul-Quran by Imam Raghib Isfahani. I will, Insha Allah, comment on it some later time

    Jazak Allah!

  4. Fozia Bora permalink

    JazakAllah for that 🙂 I personally have found both Hans-Wehr and Lane’s Lexicon very useful, but at the same time I have not had the benefit of a personal Arabic teacher to guide my study, so have had to rely on books!

    Wishing you all the best for the blog inshaAllah.

  5. Mohammed Kiram permalink

    Hello! I’m Kiram. I’m very happy and appreciate your effort for making this books available on the internet
    Thank you.

  6. Kiram,
    I am glad that you have found this blog useful. Please, remember me in your prayers during Ramadan.

    Jazak Allah!

  7. H_Alterazi permalink


    I’m an MA student at King Abdula Aziz University (English department: Linguistics major). I’m in my first semester and I’m taking a morphosyntax class in which I’m writing a paper on the Arabic future tense in Hijazi dialect. I found the book links and the whole website very useful. Thanks a lot.
    If anyone can help me with references, I’ll be grateful..
    Thanks again

  8. Idetrorce permalink

    very interesting, but I don’t agree with you

  9. Agree on what, Idetrorce?

  10. AOA;

    Very good blog. keep it up

  11. Jazak Allah!

  12. I like this blog very much – thank you! I wondered if you might one day be able to write a little something on the comparative benefits of the various Arabic-English dictionaries we students can avail ourselves of.

  13. Thank You for Sharing this information.

    please keep up the good work .
    learn Quran online

  14. Every one is doing good job.

  15. its a great post you provided very good information and links also i may be adding them to my blog as well with your blog link

  16. fathuminullah permalink

    thanks shep00. it was pleasure to see such a site. i am very much interested in arabic grammar.this site is a great help.can u post some books

  17. Fathuminullah,
    Please check out the PDF Files section of the blog to download Classical Arabic Grammar books.

    Jazak Allah!

  18. Najwah permalink

    dear Hafsa
    my name is najwah, i have come across the download books as suggested by you. im a very interested in Ilmn-un-nawh.
    When i download and print the print is to small im anable to read it. can you advise me how to get it printed properly so that im able to read it clearly.

    thanks for you help and may Allah bless you.



  19. Nura muhammad maidubji permalink

    I love the read qur’an and hadis i love the writing arabic woud

  20. fayizvjayiz permalink

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    The link “Ilm-un-Nahw” is leading to an inappropriate chinese site. Could you please correct this for us and provide the correct link to the pdf?

    Jazakallahu Khairan

  21. Thanks. I had earlier removed this link on the PDF Files page but did not remove it from here. Appreciate your letting me know about this: I have temporarily removed the link.

    Jazak Allah!

  22. Muhammad Kamil Siddiqui permalink


    This an other two links still leading to the site mentioned in Mr. Fayiz comments.
    Date: 18th Jan, 2015

  23. Hey, on occasion I see a 400 server error when I view this site. Just a heads up, best wishes

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